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Ferrara / Italy

The story of the ADJ company began in 2016. Its founder, Ekaterina Borovkova, who had worked for many years in the field of product design, decided to create her own line of leather accessories for everyday life. Today, ADJ offers a wide range of premium accessories and interior items for the home, office, private yachts and aircraft, hotels, and restaurants, all fully customizable to the client's request. The family became the inspiration for the creation of the first collection of home accessories. Therefore, the logo uses a triangle as a symbol of stability and resilience, with the abbreviations of the children's names, Aleksandr, Diego, Julia, inscribed inside. All sketches, working drawings, and technological routes are developed by Ekaterina, giving ADJ its own recognizable style and soulfulness. Each item has a unique origin story and accomplice heroes who influenced its color, shape, and purpose. One of the company's core values is a socially responsible approach to accessory design, fully compliant with modern eco-production standards that guarantee product quality and durability. To ensure stable and high-quality production, semi-finished products are manufactured in Germany, while assembly and packaging are organized in Italy.
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