Bologna / Italy

Baccaro i Cementisti has gained the Italian leadership in the production of concrete products by combining the flexibility, taste and inspiration of the craftsman with the organizational skills and modern means of the large company.
Baccaro can be identified in over 60 years of experience and 7,000 customers served. But also in the over 35,000 artifacts produced in 2022, which few companies in the country can boast. But what most characterizes Baccaro i Cementisti is the synthesis of many qualitative aspects that represent value for the Clients. The first consists of the presence of a technical office with architects and planners, equipped with the most modern design and planning tools. Perfect interlocutors for Clients' designers and architects, and expert figures able to design unique works and guarantee perfect adherence of the products to every need.
Baccaro I Cementisti è diventato leader in Italia per bancali, soglie e prolunghe, grazie ad anni di studio e brevetti, primo tra tutti quello di ISOLIGHT, il calcestruzzo alleggerito e coibentato che elimina il ponte termico del bancale, soluzione innovativa perfetta per l’edilizia moderna, e ISO.PRO., la prolunga bancale isolante con anima in polistirene.
Baccaro I Cementisti produce quindi bancali e prolunghe, soglie, copertine e rivestimento scale e in generale ogni tipologia di piccolo prefabbricato in cemento e graniglia di marmo, con ogni tipo di lavorazione e finitura esterna, quindi la varietà della sua gamma prodotti è immensa, spaziando da prodotti semi-standard ad articoli speciali e del tutto a misura. ... More ... less



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