Christophe de la Fontaine


Lussemburgo / Luxembourg

Christophe de la Fontaine graduated in sculpture from LTAM in Luxemburg before continuing his studies at the industrial design department of the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart under the supervision of Richard Sapper. Upon graduation in 2002, he collaborated with Therefore – product design consultant in London, followed by Piero Lissoni Associati in Milan. There he became the head of Studio Patricia Urquiola design department, remaining in the position until 2010.

In 2012 he co-founded Dante – Goods and Bads, a furniture and home accessory brand, together with his partner, contemporary artist Aylin Langreuter. As an independent product designer, he received numerous international awards, including the Red Dot Design Award, the Good Design Award, and the Gold iF DESIGN AWARD. In 2018 he was appointed professor for industrial design at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart.

Products designed by Christophe de la Fontaine

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