Cuno Frommherz


Burgdorf / Switzerland

Cuno Frommherz trained as a furniture maker but is a self-taught furniture designer. His designs focus on "simplicity" and the added value of a product. Each design must also involve an "invention," a technical idea or detail that gives the design a unique character. This concept results in original and innovative products. In 1997, he founded his studio Cuno Frommherz Product Design, which works successfully with established brands such as Cassina, Flou, Tonon, Rolf Benz, Freistil, Leolux, Jori, and De Sede. The studio has been honored with various awards such as: good industrial design - winner, red dot - winner, schöner wohnen neue klassiker, designpreis deutschland - nominated, interior innovation award - winner, wallpaper design award - winner.
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