Joanina Pastoll


Johannesburg / South Africa

A multi disciplinary designer and advertising guru as it were, Joanina is one of a kind, full house. Having earned her position as Head of Design at Mullen Lowe Cross Colours she has proved herself numerous times, with many local and international awards as evidence for herself and the team she works with.
Joanina sat on the judging panels of both local and international award ceremonies including the highly prestigious Cannes Advertising Festival, the London Internationals (president in 2104), New York Festivals, Loeries, the Dubai Lynx and the A Award.

Innovation and audaciousness are part of her character, always challenging the norms and finding creative solutions that enhance the identity and personality of a brand. Highly energetic, she loves to devour all forms of visual communication and is a keen observer of the latest trends. She has always had a love for beautiful objects and interiors and is has been designing hanging furniture for a while now – a passion that she has had for a long time. ... More ... less

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Partition shelves for open space
Ergonomic chairs for home office
1950s style armchairs
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