Lorenzo Damiani


Milano / Italy

Lorenzo Damiani was born in 1972. He obtained a degree in Architecture in Milan where he continued his studies with a Master’s degree at the Polytechnic of Design. His work is centred on furniture and product design, and he has collaborated with various companies, comprising Abet-Laminati, Cappellini, Campeggi, Ceramica Flaminia, Montina, Illy Caffè, IB Rubinetterie, Diamantini & Domeniconi, BBB Emme Bonacina, Lavazza. In 2009 the Triennale Design Museum dedicated a solo exhibition to his work titled “Ma Dove Sono Finiti gli Inventori? Lorenzo Damiani” (But where have all the Inventors gone? Lorenzo Damiani) curated by Marco Romanelli. This was followed by two more exhibitions in 2012: Lorenzo Damiani: Senza Stile (Lorenzo Damiani: Without Style), curated by Giovanna Castiglioni, held at the Fondazione Achille Castiglioni and “Prova a Prendermi” (Try catching me), curated by Silvana Annicchiarico, at the Triennale di Milano. In 2013, he designed the exhibition dedicated to the Castiglioni brothers, featured in the sixth edition of the Triennale Design Museum.

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