Hermann Czech


Vienna / Austria

Born in Vienna.Studies at Konrad Wachsmann und Ernst A. Plischke.
Buildings, Design:

Reconstruction Palais Schwarzenberg, Vienna 1984; Footbridge in the Wiener Stadtpark, 1987; Housing area Vienna, Petrusgasse, 1989; Housing area Perchtoldsdorf/Wien, 1994; Rosa Jochmann-School, Vienna Simmering 1994; Conseratory/ Loggia Wiener Staatsoper, 1994; Housing area Wien Ottakring, 1997; Reconstrucion Main-office Bank Austria, Wien, 1997 and many others

Design for Show-rooms:

"von hier aus", Düsseldorf 1984; "Vienna 1938", Wiener Rathaus, 1988; "Wunderblock", Vienna 1989; XIX Triennale di Milano, 1996; "Schubert97", Vienna 1997.


Subway-network for Vienna (together with Friedrich Kurrent, Johannes Spalt, Hugo Potyka, O. Steinmann), 1967; Competition Donauinsel, 1974; Competition for the location-line of Otto Wagner-Brücke (mit Heinrich Mittnik), 1982-83; General plan subway U3 West (Stadt Wien), 1985-89; Expert opinion for urban development Gutachten Oranienburg, 1993 u.a.

Awards and appointments:

1985 Prize City of Vienna for architecture. 1998 Prize Country of Lower Austria for architecture. 1985-86 Visiting professor/University of Applied Arts in Vienna. 1988-89 and 1993-94 Visiting professor at Harvard University, Cambridge, USA. Participation at the Biennale for architecture, Venice 1980 and 1991. Exhibitions at the Architekturmuseum Basel 1996 and Architekturforum Tirol, Innsbruck 1996-97.
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