Jordi Llopis


Barcellona / Spain

Jordi Llopis, product designer, currently runs his own design studio in Barcelona and is co-founder of the multidisciplinary space Brots. Works developing designs for Bover, Leds C4, Grok Lighting, Faro, Metalarte, Almalight, Luxcambra, as well as self-producing new collections for Brots and jordi llopis design. He has worked as a designer in lighting companies managing the direction of new products and corporate identity. Creator of the space Brots, with the idea of ​​designing, self-producing and selling the products themselves and jointly organizing various activities related to creativity.

He has been collaborating with lighting companies, urban furniture and objects for many years. Lifelight, a lamp created in 2003, is part of the permanent collection of the Museu del Disseny in Barcelona. The Clipa’m lamp was selected at the Delta 2016 Awards. He collaborates as an external teacher with ESDI, Escola de Disseny de Barcelona, Elisava Alumni and has recently joined ESDesign Barceona as a tutot of Final Master’s Works. He has been a jury at the Ei Awards! of Elisava of Barcelona, ​​and has collaborated in worskhops in the Universidad de Aguascalientes in Mexico and Elisava. Collaborates with the platform Creative Dialogue established in Barcelona. Industrial Designer trained in Barcelona by Elisava. University School Design and Engineering and the Royal College of Art in London.

Products designed by Jordi Llopis

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