Marconato & Zappa

Terry Zappa, Maurizio Marconato

Cantù / Italy

Maurizio Marconato and Terry Zappa are born in Como, and live and work in Cantù. Both graduated with honourable mention in Architecture at the Milan Politecnico, after year of individual professional activity have founded in 1991 their eponymous studio in Cantù. Since 1981, they both operate in the design field, developing products for several companies of domestic and office furniture, dealing with both design and industrialization of the object, up to the presentation on the market, coordinating the company image full circle, from the catalogue to the design of the exhibition booths. They handle interior design, designing domestic and hotel furniture, shops and showcases, both for final consumers and contract companies, in Italy and abroad. Since 1987 they have extended their range of activities to the development, recovery and restoration of heritage buildings.

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