dk3 celebrating 65 years anniversary of the ROYAL SYSTEM®

02/09/2013 - Poul Cadovius' unique shelving system ROYAL SYSTEM® was on everyone's lips in the 1950s and 1960s. After in 2010 having acquired the rights to this legendary furniture classic, dk3 is this year celebrating 65 years anniversary of the ROYAL SYSTEM®. The anniversary year is celebrated with new items, which provide even more combinations to this flexible classic shelving system.

Back in 1948 furniture designer Poul Cadovius created the world's first wall-mounted shelving system ROYAL SYSTEM®, which also was a breakthrough because of its light styling and the many individual combinations. The furniture system therefore went from success to success all over the world.
The Danish design furniture company dk3 has today lifted ROYAL SYSTEM® into the modern age. The system is being manufactured in oak and walnut and in white high pressure laminate (HPL). In its modern appearance ROYAL SYSTEM is suitable for both residential and commercial interior design.

In addition to the existing elements of ROYAL SYSTEM® dk3 now launches a writing desk shelf. The brackets are available in either brass or stainless steel and the shelf is available in oak, walnut and HPL.

In addition to this, dk3 has also re-launched the old exclusive writing desk cupboard which in the beginning was created as a bar and then was and now is turned into a modern workplace with drawers and subdivision st
orage for tablets, laptops, etc. 


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