Light and Fabric: The Knitted Lamp by Vibia

The work of German designer Meike Harde, Knit is a slightly flattened sphere lined in knitted Lycra

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14/06/2023 - A knitted Lycra liner wrapped around a slightly flattened sphere. This is how Knit, Vibia's fabric lamp designed by German designer Meike Harde, was born. Light seeps through the fabric to the outside and trickles down from a translucent diffuser, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere. The collection includes five pendant lamps and four floor lamps. The Lycra cover of Vibia's new fabric lamp is rib stitched using an innovative knitting technology, especially popular in sportswear, which allows 3D volumes to be processed in one piece. Knit plays with transparency and opacity: raised beige ribs taper towards the canopy that closes the upper part of the lamp. The soft, earthy hue of the yarn interacts with the light to generate a warm and welcoming ambience, emphasised by the different density levels of the ribbed fabric covering the diffuser. Available with Push or Casambi systems, Vibia's fabric lamp is equipped with a dimmer that allows you to customise the light density according to the desired atmosphere.

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