Bosse MODUL SPACE Modular metal office shelving


MODUL SPACE | Bookcase By Bosse


Modular metal office shelving

Modul Space is a functional system with infinite possibilities: combined with the elements of the harmonious collection of colors Le Corbusier, the “modul space black edition” by Bosse blends harmoniously with the surrounding environment.‎ Black is beautiful: pipes, knots, handles, feet and wheels in matt black ensure more comfort in the office.‎

The classic Bosse "modul space" furniture system, with its timeless beauty, is also part of the Black Edition collection.‎ In matt black instead of chrome, the tubes in the elegant "black edition" take a back seat and transform the tubular furniture system into eye-catching furniture.‎

The chic alternative to chrome also spreads a feeling of well-being in the office and home office.‎ The “black edition” of the “modul space” line guarantees an elegant style in all environments.‎ The timeless design such as the individually configurable shelving system, the elegant storage solution or the sideboard can be integrated into the living area or a high quality reception area or even the home office.‎ The simple concept of "modular space" is based on the basic idea of ​​a tubular steel knot system that Paul Cadovius developed in the 1960s.‎ It has therefore been part of the Bauhaus tradition for decades, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019, and pursues the philosophy of maximum reduction and function-oriented design.‎

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Black Edition Collection by Bosse
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