FILA Solutions CLASSIC Liquid wax for terracotta and marble




Liquid wax for terracotta and marble

CLASSIC Eco-friendly liquid wax.‎

What It’s For
Protects floors in marble, travertine, and stone agglomerates including terrazzo.‎
Revitalises the shine of polished finishes.‎
An ideal first and final coat for the traditional treatment of terracotta and for routine maintenance.‎

Provides a splendid natural shine.‎
Easy to apply and maintain.‎
Protects surfaces from the effects of time.‎
Does not degenerate with maintenance.‎
Can be re-polished to enhance the shine.‎

Materials to be treated
Natural Stone
Concrete tiles

1 litre cans in boxes of 12.‎
5-litre cans in boxes of 4.‎

How to use it
Dilution: either undiluted or diluted according to requirements.‎
Protects surfaces in marble and stone agglomerates and stone with polished finish:
Existing floors: apply undiluted wax with a damp cloth or other applicator.‎ Let it dry well (about 1 hour), then buff with a wool cloth or floor polisher.‎
New floors: dilute 1 litre of product in 1-2 litres of water and apply, proceeding as described above.‎
For finishing the treatment with the application of a water/solvent-based protectors (terracotta and natural stone):
After the application of water-proofing (e.‎g.‎ FILAW68 or FILAFOB), spread FILACLASSIC undiluted using a fleece pad or other suitable applicator.‎ Let it dry well (about 1 hour), then buff with a wool cloth or floor polisher.‎
For traditional treatment with paste wax on terracotta: Apply the undiluted product with a flat paintbrush.‎ After 4 hours, apply two coats of paste wax NATURWAX.‎ Wait 8 hours, polish and then complete the treatment with a last coat of FILACLASSIC undiluted wax with a cloth, fleece pad or other applicator.‎ Let it dry well (about 1 hour), then buff with a wool cloth or floor polisher.‎
For maintenance:
Restoring sheen (every 2-3 months): after cleaning the surface with a diluted solution of FILACLEANER (1:200), apply FILACLASSIC diluting 500 ml of product in 5 litres of water.‎ Buff the surface when it is dry (after about 1 hour).‎
Renewing protection (once a year): apply undiluted wax with a cloth, fleece pad or other applicator.‎ Buff the surface when it is dry (after about 1 hour).‎

With one litre:
Terracotta 30 m²
Stone 30/40 m²
“Coverage shown is for guidance purposes only and refers to single coats”

Further info from manufacturer on CLASSIC FILA Solutions
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1 l
5 l

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