STAIRS By Kriskadecor
Aluminium chain curtain
Traçat Gabinet d’Arquitectura
Located near the Plaza Corsini in Tarragona, the Italian accessories store stands out for its risky design: white walls, classic but minimalist decoration, also in white, and the spiral staircases, covered by anodized aluminium links of Kriskadecor.
This space divider, curved and fixed, generates a dramatic atmosphere upon entering the premises. Red, lively and dominant colour, combined with white, stands out elegantly, giving the place an extraordinary dynamism. Also, combines perfectly with the originality of footwear, clothing and other accessories offered by the brand.
The project was carried out by Traçat Gabinet d'Arquitectura, a consolidated professional firm specializing in urban and architectural design.
Material: aluminium chain
Shape: Curved
System: Fixed structure
Colours: Red
Link’s type: Kriska