Wall-mounted sectional wooden bookcase
Argilla lacquer.
The LagoLinea system has a slim, lightweight graphic profile, designed to offer maximum expressive freedom on the wall and create continuity between the bedroom and living area.A single line, 30-mm-thick, outlines, narrates and contains in a single gesture, like a mark on a sheet of paper.LagoLinea is what remains after reducing to a minimum the 30-mm grid shelving that Lago started out with in 2006.The slenderness of the shelving makes it possible to suspend it from its sides, thus eliminating every barrier to free expression.It is an original way of telling a story with a gesture expressive of the personality of anyone using its geometric alphabet.With the LagoLinea modules, you can furnish your walls in an original way, creating figurative or classic outlines, always characterised by extreme lightness.LagoLinea WeightlessLagolinea Weightless emerged from an unusual exploration of the LagoLinea system. It is an absolutely new way of conceiving furniture, where it is hung from the ceiling so that it comes down like a stalactite. The effect it creates is of extreme suspension.There are three kinds of backs available for LagoLinea Weightless: extra-clear glass, which accentuates the effect of transparency, lacquered glass and lacquered wood.An elegant, original solution for organising and dividing space is to use the system in the centre of the room, with one side of the suspended structure as a shiny glass wall and the other as sculptural shelving.