Mini fridges

A mini fridge is the best solution to have cool beverages and food handy whether you are at home, at your office, in the attic or in other non household places. You donā€™t know how to choose, right? Are you looking for a built-in mini fridge or a freestanding mini fridge? Most models on the market donā€™t have a freezer so if you need it make sure you choose a model that has it. Even if theyā€™re small, these appliances are normal fridges, so the same large fridgesā€™ maintenance rules apply. Check the sealing and the interior periodically. The mini fridge will have to be defrosted every now and then unless you choose a ventilated mini fridge to avoid frost and ice. Donā€™t forget details! Choose glass or resin shelves which are sturdier and easy to clean. Choose a model with adjustable height shelves in the internal part of the door so to use all the available space.

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