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Office chairs

Office chairs are the central element of modern workstations, so it is very important that they meet a number of parameters, perfectly combining functionality and aesthetics.
There are countless models available on the market to satisfy every need and taste, from the most classic seats to the most modern design office chairs.

How to choose the right office chair

First of all, a number of factors must be taken into account, including comfort, practicality and design. Consequently, a height-adjustable office chair is indispensable for those seeking comfort during working hours.
For static work, where you spend many hours in front of the computer, it is preferable to opt for reclining chairs, ideal for the body when you need to release tension. Without forgetting the adjustable chairs, a valid ally for every type of height and build.
Varier seats are also very comfortable and above all versatile: designed to stimulate movement and support the body during every small movement, they easily assist the different positions and allow you to change them easily by activating the muscles and stimulating blood circulation. That's why they're seen as the perfect solutions for an office, or to be side-by-side with a desk, whatever the task.

Components and accessories for office chairs

In addition to the chairs, the armrests are also an element to be taken into consideration: it is recommended that they are adjustable to allow the arms to rest comfortably and the shoulders to relax; some chairs also offer additional customizations, such as removable armrests or movable armrests.
Another aspect not to be underestimated when buying an office chair is the choice of the seat base: you can, for example, opt for office chairs with castors.
Ergonomically speaking, wheels are recommended for ease of movement at the workstation; swivel chairs are also very useful in this respect. In most cases the chairs have 4 feet, but when it comes to working environments, it is advisable to buy a 5-spoke base office chair.
Other factors not to be underestimated when choosing a work chair are the shaping and padding: on the whole, many ergonomics specialists recommend chairs with padded edges on all sides and a rounded front edge.
As far as the shape of the shape is concerned, it is important to know that shaped ergonomic seats can have a positive effect on posture. An office chair should provide adequate lumbar support, thus providing comfort and relaxation.

Office chairs: materials and upholstery

The choice of material and upholstery is also important: among the most common are certainly the fabric office chairs, especially the chairs with mesh upholstery, a material that allows the backrest to adequately follow the movements of the back. An alternative is the plastic office chairs: polypropylene, polycarbonate and techno polymers are commonly used to create comfortable and durable seating. Less common because of the precious material are instead the operative chairs in leather or eco-leather, which still give softness and elegance to the structure.
Beyond all that, when we talk about materials, we must always take into account the temperature of the environment in which we work.

Office chairs and ergonomics

When we talk about ergonomics in the office, we mainly refer to the work chair. Incorrect posture at the desk can cause joint and muscle pain and, in the long term, damage the back, neck and arms. The office chair must therefore have some peculiar characteristics, such as the backrest perpendicular to the seat with lumbar, dorsal and cervical supports and must also comply with the criteria defined by the European standard UNI EN 1335, which indicates the fundamental requirements in terms of size, safety, resistance and durability. The advantages of using ergonomic chairs in accordance with the law are manifold and concern both psychophysical well-being and work performance. As is well known, the inclination that distinguishes ergonomic chairs decreases the pressure on the back, helping the correct alignment of the spine. But that's not all: the curvature of the backrest in the lumbar area reduces back pain and ensures less fatigue. Then there is the productivity chapter. It has been shown that maintaining an incorrect posture causes pain and falls in concentration, with inevitable negative effects on the worker's work. Ergonomic office chairs are therefore a panacea not only for the health of employees, but also for the company's turnover.

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