Paola Lenti BISTRÒ Garden umbrella


BISTRÒ By Paola Lenti


Garden umbrella

Parasol with shade in fabric, available in two versions, with flat or dome-shaped sunshade.‎

The sunshade of both versions can be fixed (codes CA09A and CA09C) or can be bent in the desired position thanks to a varnished aluminium hinge (codes CA09B and CA09D).‎
Structure: aluminium, matt varnished in the colours in the collection.‎
Supporting rods: fiberglass matt varnished in colour matching the structure.‎
Ballast: cast iron matt varnished in colour matching the structure.‎
Sunshade: in Madras or Tamil fabric.‎
Bistrò can stand free, but we recommend, whether it is possible, to anchor it to the ground; in both cases it is necessary to use the supplied moulded cast iron ballast.‎
Bistrò can be completed with the seating elements and side tables of Clique series.‎
We advise to use a Winter Set protection cover.‎
Bistrò won the GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2015 in the Lifestyle category and the INTERIOR INNOVATION AWARD 2015 from German Design Council in cooperation with Imm Cologne.‎
Bistrò has been selected for the ADI DESIGN INDEX 2015.‎

Further info from manufacturer on BISTRÒ Paola Lenti
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