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If you want your swimming pool to be up and ready you need to provide it with some indispensable equipment. From a technical point of view you need to choose the swimming pool filter carefully because it’s the most delicate part of the system. Water quality depends on the filter for an 80% while the remaining 20% depends on disinfection products. The most used filter is the sand one which is very simple to use and it could last very long if maintained correctly. As an alternative you can choose a cartridge filter which allows for the maximum surface filtering with a minimum encumbrance. The plant needs to have a recirculation pump that has to be of the right flow ratio, a multi-outlet valve attached to the filter, piping and an electric control panel. A complementary and useful piece of equipment is an Electrolysers which lets you get gaseous chlorine directly. The device is made up of two parts: an electric controller and an electrolytic cell. Salty water passes through the electrolytic cell connected to the controller and thanks to the electrolysis salt molecules are broken down in chlorine salts ions. A small quantity or rock salt is added to the water and this disifects the water decreasing chlorine odor and saving on disinfectants. We recommend to couple the electrolyser with a pH adjuster to make sure that the water is always correctly disinfected. Pool accessories are also important if you want to enjoy the time spent in the water. Diving air generators or upstream swimming systems are useful to keep fit in the pool while ladders or roman stairs let you enter the pool safely. For a total relax experience you can add floating pool lounges: armchairs, mattresses, bar tables to keep your beverages cool and complete seat and table systems will let you relax and enjoy the water freely!
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