ECOcero's Artistic Collaboration for Sustainability and Community

Five interior designers create limited edition acoustic panels to benefit NGOs

04/12/2024 - With its new collection, Ecocero explores the possibility of transforming acoustic panels from silent, invisible objects into active participants in the quality of interior space. By working with five renowned interior designers - Erico Navazo, Noé Prades, The Room Studio, Alejandra Pombo and Masquespacio - the brand underscores the power of design to connect people, not only to space but also to community through a shared vision of sustainability and creativity. Proceeds from the sales of these limited-edition acoustic art pieces will benefit five NGOs focused on education, urban inclusion and healthcare, taking the initiative beyond its existence as a mere collection to become a call to action and a platform for impact.
Over by Erico Navazo 2Pin it

Over by Erico Navazo

Using Ecocero's signature material, recycled PET bottles, each designer has brought a unique personal perspective to the collection. Over, by Enrico Navazo, was inspired by the colour palette of salt lakes, with the soft pinks and greens that evoke a sense of tranquillity and calm. Sales the panel will benefit an organisation dedicated to the conservation of African biodiversity and wildlife. "Nature is always a great source of inspiration for me, with colours and textures that I fall in love with. And in this design, acoustics are essential to create environments that not only look good, but are also comfortable thanks to sound management. Integrating sustainable practices into our designs must be part of our commitment and responsibility as designers," emphasises Navazo.

Noé Prades refers to the ocean's rhythms in the striking and mesmerising Waves panels, defined as "acoustic painting", while Masquespacio offers Optical Illusion, which explores geometry, form and perspective. Another "architectonic" proposal, The Room Studio's Mirage, uses a palette of blacks, whites and greys to play with light and shadow, creating and contrasting depth and form. Profits from the sale of these works will go to the Balia Foundation for Children, Arquitectura Sin Fronteras, and Doctors of the World, respectively.
Waves by Noé Prades 3Pin it

Waves by Noé Prades

Playful in both name and form, Alejandra Pombo's Quibble references 1970s postmodernism to create asymmetrical and three-dimensional abstract compositions. "The future of acoustics in design will include innovative approaches to integrating acoustic solutions into spaces more efficiently and aesthetically. The demand for quiet and comfortable environments will continue to be a priority," says the designer. The sales of Quibble will go to the NGO Kubuka, which promotes education and entrepreneurship in Kenya and Zambia.

"Sustainability and design focused on improving the well-being of interior spaces have been part of ECOcero since our inception. In fact, all our acoustic materials are created from recycled plastic. With this collection, we wanted to show, on the one hand, all the expressive and sound-absorbent capacity of our products and, on the other hand, to contribute to a social purpose," assures ECOcero's CEO, Jorge Bellido.
Mirage by The Room Studio 4Pin it

Mirage by The Room Studio

Combining art and philanthropy, this dual-purpose approach exemplifies how design can drive change and foster a shared sense of social and environmental responsibility.
Quibble by Alejandra Pombo 5Pin it

Quibble by Alejandra Pombo

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